Friday 28 March 2008

Friday 28th March 2008

We have discovered that in the daylight the campsite is more interesting. The site is combined with a hotel and shares some of its facilities including an outside thermal pool at a temperature of 30°C. The other good news was that we discovered that they had free WiFi Internet.
It was raining and we decided to stay put, have a relaxing day and catch up on the Internet. The weather cleared up by lunchtime and the BBC weather forecast for this area looks good for the next few days. At last we may have some prolonged sunshine.
So a very lazy day, listening to BBC radio, downloading BBC podcasts, updating the blog, sending emails and reading – just what the doctor ordered.
Photos: The campsite thermal pool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thought I'd belatedly try out the comments feature! Like the reflection in cobbled street photo - came out really well. We have a couple of decent ones that I'll email across soon. Mum - has the undefeated games record continued since Katie and I went back to work??