Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Saturday 22nd February 2025 – Saint-Paul-les-Dax, France

 Leaving Lussac we passed many vineyards with their owners often offering tastings but it was far too early. We were on a mission today as we wanted to get to the aire in Saint Paul les Dax early, so there were no stops on the way.
We arrived just after 12:30 and set off on the short walk into the large shopping mall on the edge of the town. A short distance from the mall we found a popular restaurant offering an excellent value 3-course meal. Turning down the offer of coffee after the meal, we walked into the centre of Dax and the ‘No Scrum, No Win’ rugby bar where the very friendly staff put the Wales v Ireland match of the TV. As the match continued, we were beginning to hope that Wales might win, but it wasn’t to be. We managed a quick walk around the vicinity before returning to the bar for the England v Scotland match. There were a few more customers now and the young French rugby supporters were cheering for Scotland - only because we were there and I was wearing my England shirt. It was all good natured and, after our glorious(?) 16 – 15 victory, I wished them luck for their match the next day and told them that they must to beat Ireland when they play them on 8th March.
In order to avoid a 45 minute walk back to the aire, we managed to find a bus which, much to our surprise, was free – we have no idea why.
Photos: The Lussac vineyards looking rather dull in their winter clothes; The hot water spring rises in the centre of Dax, reaching a flow rate of 140 cubic metres an hour; Steaming from the spouts under the arches, the heath-giving, sulphurous water can be accessed by the locals.

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