Monday, 24 February 2025

Wednesday 19th February 2025 – Plan d’Eau de Ecluzelles, France

 We arrived at the tunnel quite early and we offered an earlier crossing at 09:46. A very smooth crossing followed and we set off on the motorway south. As always, we try to avoid tolls and major motorways as we much prefer driving through the French countryside. We had a couple up hold-ups around Rouen but otherwise enjoyed some lovely sights.
We stopped off at the small town of Blangy-sur-Brestle for lunch, refuelling and stocking up with French food, beer and wine. Onward then to Plan d’Eau de Ecluzelles, a lake just S.E. of Dreux. This is a man-made lake complete with tiny islands, fishing and wildlife areas. One of the car parks acts as a motorhome aire without water and dumping facilities. We could park up with a lovely view of the lake and settle in for a peaceful night.
Photos: Canada geese lay siege to our van.


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