Sunday 9 June 2024

Saturday 8th June 2024 – Ravenna, Italy


A little walking around the deck with occasional views of the Italian coast interspersed blog writing and Jane reading entries for the Yeovil Literary Prize. The French Open entertained us later together with following the Bath v Northampton Rugby Premiership Final. The latter was a nail-biter with Bath losing a player to a red card after half an hour and, despite our support, narrowly lost. Still, two years ago Bath were at the bottom of the league, so it has been a great recovery and we have high hopes for next season.
We have never been on a long ferry trip where the seas were so calm. There was not a ripple on the deep blue sea below an endless expanse of blue sky. Sadly, no sightings of dolphins!
The ferry arrived an hour and a half later than scheduled and we were almost the last off the ferry. We then took the motorway to reduce the time it would take us to get to Ravenna in the 30°C heat. We parked in official motorhome parking spaces in the centre of Ravenna on the way out and we now used a similar facility in a car park on the outskirts of Ravenna near the Basilica of St. Apollinare Nuovo in Classe. At €2.25 for 24 hours, it is a popular camperstop but there was plenty of space for us. We had been concerned about the fridge for a few days and weren’t sure whether it was purely the extreme heat or a fault. We were hoping that the cooler conditions at sea (we were parked in the open) might mean that the fridge would recover but it became clear that we had a serious problem and all of the food in the freezer had defrosted, the milk had turned to yoghurt and other food would need to be thrown out.
Photos: Jane enjoying the cruise; Arriving in Ancona.

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