Saturday 15 June 2024

Tuesday 11th June – Langenbrand, Germany


Over the Fernpass and through the Füssen tunnel took us into Germany and then lots of kilometres on German motorways. Good, fast roads but lacking in interest until we left the motorway as we neared our destination. Then we passed through pretty villages with the occasional timber-framed building and lots of forest. Langenbrand is a small village where Hohen Camping is located. We parked at the gate and found reception to resister. When we got back to the van, there was another British van waiting behind us – a considerable coincidence as we have hardly seen any other British vans on the trip. We had a lovely chat with Peter and Lynn who live in Dorset. They are definitely kindred spirits and have similar views on motorhoming and Brexit. For many years they were wardens for the Camping and Caravan Club and told us a few stories about that time that they (mostly) enjoyed.
We walked into the centre of the village and had a meal at the Hirsch Guesthouse and very good it was too.

Photos: An interesting tower on a pinnacle of rock in the Inn Valley.

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