Tuesday 11 June 2024

Sunday 9th June 2024 – Carbonare di Folgaria, Italy


We were going to visit the Ravenna museum in Classe, a short walk from the camperstop, but it didn’t open until 10:00 and we decided to leave it for our next visit. It was very hot and humid yet again but we were heading for the mountains where we hoped that it would be a little cooler. Our target was Carbonare di Folgaria and the Sole Neve Camping. We always try to vary our routes and this time we drove around Ravenna and up the coast in the direction of Venice. That was an interesting route as we passed wetlands (lots of flamingos and egrets), lagoons and wide rivers. On some of the rivers there were traditional fishing installations – wooden huts with huge square nets suspended over the river on long poles. I really wanted to get a photo of these but there was never anywhere to stop.
We turned inland and, as we approached the mountains, the temperature started to drop. We had forgotten that Sundays are a very popular day for the Italians to go out in the cars and, especially, on their motorbikes. This made the mountain roads and hairpin bends rather interesting with motorbikes overtaking in unreasonable places or appearing on the wrong side of the road on those bends.
We arrived at the campsite with the temperature in the early 20 degrees – bliss! Camping Sole Neve is at 1100 metres amidst beautiful scenery and the white clouds were wreathed around the mountain peaks. We had not had the rain promised by the forecast but, even if it rained now, we were happy.
Much to our surprise, the fridge was cold and the freezer food had refrozen. Obviously, the food had to be thrown away but it appears that the problem was the ambient temperature. Just like us, the fridge found it difficult to cope with temperatures in the 30s!
Photos: Our pitch and view at Sole Neve Camping.

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