Saturday 1 June 2024

Thursday 23rd May 2024 – Lini, Albania


The failure to find the farm campsite put a dent in our plans for today. We wanted to spend time in Kastoria today, expecting to spend a second night in the campsite but we needed dumping and fresh water services and therefore had to travel into Albania a day earlier. On deserted roads, we crossed the border north-west of Kastoria with only the minor hassle of having to buy third party insurance for the van at €49 for 14 days.
We were heading for Lake Ohrid, most of which is in North Macedonia but a section of the west and south is in Albania. The route took us through the centre of Progradec, a busy town in the south west corner of the lake and the biggest conurbation on Albanian Lake Ohrid. It was a slow drive through with lots of double-parked cars and suicidal pedestrians.
We wanted to go some tombs just beyond Lin but the satnav tried to take us down a tiny dirt track of the main road and there were no signs anywhere to the site. In this area there is obviously lots of available water as car washes lined both sides of the road with water pouring out of their hoses to advertise their services. We were tempted to have the van washed but decided to go back to the lake and our campsite. Camping Erlin Beach is on a small peninsula on the opposite side of which is the village of Lin. There is a lovely view of the lake from here and of the mountains of North Macedonia on the opposite bank. We had dinner in the campsite restaurant (ok but not brilliant) and then watched a very pretty sunset.
As I was paying the bill, I heard an English voice. This was confusing as every other van on the site was German – a very common occurrence on this holiday. It turned out that the couple were English but had lived in Germany for many years and therefore had a German van. We had a long chat and they mentioned that they had met a couple with twins who ran a fish restaurant in Mikrolimni on Mikro Prespa Lake in Greece. We were able to tell them that the restaurant was temporarily closed and that the owner was restoring a watermill in Agios Germanos!
Photos: View down onto Lake Ohrid and the Lin headland with the village on the left and our campsite, out of sight, on the right; Sunset from the campsite beach.

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