Thursday 4 October 2007

Friday 14th September 2007

Went by train to Triberg using a special Europass ticket allowing two people to travel for 24hrs for €10.30. Changed at Hausach where we had to spend 45 mins on the way and over 1 hour on the way back – a very boring place, despite the Woolworths, not to be recommended! The remainder of the train journey was spectacular and between two stations we went though 15 tunnels – an amazing feat of engineering.
Triberg is a large tourist attraction for two reasons – the waterfall and cuckoo clocks. The waterfall is the highest in Germany and was well work visiting but the cuckoo clock shops were not! The Red Squirrels were quite tame at the waterfall and it was great to see them so close. In England the much more aggressive Grey Squirrel has pushed out the Red Squirrel from almost all of the country. There was also a museum that specialised in mechanical music – lots of barrel organs, fairground organs, orchestrions and musical clocks, some of which were miniature organs with over 40 pipes. That was also well worth the visit.
Well we watched the England v S. Africa match and my prediction was correct – we didn't improve and we didn't stand a chance! S. Africa could go a long way in the competition but we won't.

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