Thursday 4 October 2007

Monday 17th September 2007

A day when Martin discovered that he really enjoyed cycling on the flat and Jane confirmed that walking was far preferable.
Fed ducks with stale bread and caused a riot. Ducks came from everywhere and were joined by a number of coots. The normal ritual followed of trying to give bread to the ducks & coots that were pushed out of the way by the stronger ones – typically British behavior of supporting the underdog, or in this case the underduck and undercoot.
Visited the nearby lake of Schluchsee – much larger, unspoilt and with excellent walking and cycling tracks all round the lake. I wanted to cycle and Jane was also very keen to have a go – an auspicious start. However, after a mile, Jane was not so keen and after another half a mile Jane confirmed her long held belief that a) her body was not designed for cycling and b) walking was much more comfortable and allowed more opportunities for seeing the views (rather than holding on to the handlebars like grim death and staring constantly at the road and any perceived hazards!). Jane's cycling will now be restricted to necessary (and short) journeys into local villages to eat or drink and only when it is too far to walk.
Decided to go on a pretty route back to Titisee via St. Blasien with a huge church and lovely architecture. Rain interrupted our sightseeing and, as we were totally unprepared for it, we returned to the van and Titisee somewhat damp.
The evening was spent on the Internet replying to emails and sending the first installment of the Odyssey Log.

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